In part 1 we covered the web.config changes and the classes needed to use them.
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Generics, Interfaces, Providers and You - Part 3:IProviderCollection & IProviderRepository
In part 1 We talked about the web.config and the basic classes to get started with a provider model.
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Generics, Interfaces, Providers and You - Part 4: Building the Classes
Now that we have our interfaces we need to make some changes to our existing objects. Back in part 1 we defined an object tree for contact information.
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Generics, Interfaces, Providers and You - Part 1:Getting Started
There are many uses for providers with accessing a data store being one of the most common. I'm not going to talk about why to use providers, I am going to address how to use generics and interfaces with providers to make using them a bit easier.
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Beyond Generics, Interfaces, Providers and You : IReadByParentId
Ok so in the Generics, Interfaces, Providers and You series, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 & Part 4, we made a flexible system of interfaces to make working with a data access provider model easier. In Part 4, I listed some ideas where there was room for improvement in the interfaces/class that we made.
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The DropDownList, the DataBind and the Missing Value
I sat there and blinked at the ArgumentOutOfRangeException. It was just a DropDownList that had the selected value data bound inside a FormView.
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